Unblocking engineering and boosting conversion rates: A design sprint case study at Meta


This case study showcases my role as a Content Designer on a product incubation team at Meta. Faced with the challenge of a departing product designer and looming deadlines, I co-led a design sprint that produced the designs we needed, ultimately leading to successful partnerships with advertisers and higher conversion rates for our ad product.

Problem statement

This project was critical to our organization's strategy to recover revenue lost due to Apple's iOS 14 privacy policy changes. Delays in testing would not only affect our revenue outlook but also risk alienating our developer partners.

Objective: To refine and expand the current designs for Ads Manager and the ad unit interface to meet our testing goals.

Constraints: Time-sensitive deadlines and the absence of a product designer on the team.

My role

As a Content Designer, I was responsible for ensuring the designs met the use cases committed by our engineering team. I also took the initiative to recruit my research colleague and frame the problem for our leadership.


Note: I’ve blurred parts of the UI that were not part of this work.

Version 1: Upsell

The upsell focused on the value props for our product.

Version 2: We changed it for you

We change the placement automatically, and offer guidance on how to undo it.

Version 3: Not available

Here we just block the user’s action and recommend some different options



The goal of this effort was to unblock eng and enable testing, and we did that plus more. Not only did the work that came from the sprint solve the immediate problem of incomplete designs, it caused a renaissance of collaboration in our team leading to new design directions that later bore fruit in higher conversion rates. Perhaps the most important impact from this work for me was the supercharged collaborations with product designers that grew out it.